
A good deal of the historical documents referring to the first Numantia excavations are held in the archives of the Real Academia de la Historia and the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. In the mid nineteenth century both academies set up what has come to be called a Central Monuments Committee, which then took some measures in favour of the protection and study of the archaeological site and its environs. The Real Academia de la Historia invites enquiries by means of its Virtual Miguel de Cervantes Library. To gain access readers have to open the corresponding file for each document, where they will find the link to its digital image. The documents of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando have been tagged on separately, also in digital format. In both cases there is a succinct selection of significant documents. Finally, Adolf Schulten's manuscript diary from years 1905 to 1908, is also available through University of Köln.

Documents of the Royal Academy of History. Folders of the case files about the archeological expeditions in Numantia.

  • Draft of the agreement by which the Royal Academy of History, aware of the excavations in Garray in search of the city of Numantia and continuing with this intention, decides to inform the government, requesting a grant to carry it out and the claiming that they are placed under the inspection of the Academy.
  • Report on the excavations carried out by Eduardo Saavedra in Numancia. Before the decision was made by the recently created Numismatic Archaeological Society to continue with the work, the government was requested to grant an economic subsidy that allows the work to be carried out under the inspection of the Royal Academy of History.
  • 1855. Summary of the agreement by the Royal Academy of History on January 26, 1855, according to which Antonio Delgado passes to the Commission in charge of the excavations that take place in Numantia.
  • December 6, 1856. Catalog of the objects that came from the ruins of Numantia that were given to the Real Academy of History in on December 6, 1856.
  • July 22, 1861. Time in which a license is requested for Eduardo Saavedra, a member of the Commission in charge of inspecting the Numantia excavations, to go to Garray to participate in them.
  • November 26, 1861.. Time in which a new grant is requested to continue the excavations in Garray, Numantia, once the 10,000 granted has been spent and see the importance of the discoveries made.
  • November 29, 1861. Catalog of the objects from the excavations in Numantia presented to the Royal Academy of History on November 29.
  • February 19, 1867. Office requesting the remission of the plan followed in the excavations in Numantia, the amounts invested, the state in which the jobs are, if it is convenient to continue them, and where appropriate, the sum that is needed to allocate for that purpose and the method to be followed.
  • March 29, 1867. Report of the excavations made from 1861 until the date in Numantia (Garray), accompanied by the plans and drawings of the same. The acquisition of land is proposed for the best protection of the ruins and the convenience of continuing the excavations in successive years at a rate of between 10,000 and 20,000 annually. It is also considered appropriate to proceed to excavate in Clunia, Uxama and Augustobriga.
  • April 3, 1885. Report about the support of the Ministry of Development that is requested tohelp in the reinstitution of the stones stolen in excavations of Numantia. It is recommended to hire a local person as a guardian of the site.
  • News published in the Local and Provinical Section of the newspaper “El Avisador Numantio”, which reproduces the commemorative act that took place on June 26, 1886 on the hill of Garray, Numantia, with the intent to see the second Battalion of the San Marcial Regiment.
  • April 10, 1986. File on the report by Eduardo Saavedra on the communications started by the Commission of Monuments of Soria, for the declaration of public utility of the land occupied by the excavations of Numantia.
  • Index of the documents included in the file on the Numantia excavations.
  • Expediente sobre la petición de informe de la Subsecretaría del Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes, acerca del proyecto de Ramón Benito Aceña de construir un monumento en las ruinas de Numancia.

Documents from Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

  • May 8, 1886. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. General Secretary. The General Director of Public Instruction forwards the original file from the Civil Government of Soria, on the declaration of public utility of the lands that were in Numantia, which has long been declared a national monument, so that this Academy may report whatever is offered and what appears before resolving definitively the reference file.

Excavation diaries

  • Adolf Schulten and Konstantin Köenen. Excavation diaries form the years 1905, 1906, 1907 and 1908

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